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29 March - 29 March 2025 - Bristol Corinthian YC

Sat Racing, (+ 400/500 optional training Sun) 2025

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Discount ends in 39 days
Entry closes in 39 days
Event Starts in 41 days


RS200 West Country Boat Repairs SW Ugly Tour

RS400 Sailing Chandlery Southern Tour

RS500 Rooster National Tour  

A one day race event for the RS200, RS400 and RS500 fleets

**Online Entry Open**

A long time favourite of the RS200s and RS500s, a new venue for the RS400 Southern Tour last year.

Bristol Corinthian is a friendly, grass roots club at the foot of the Mendips, with views of Cheddar gorge and towards Glastonbury tour. Camping /campervans can stay on site, and there's lots to do in the area, not least the RS400/500 coaching day on Sunday following Saturday's racing. 

Sprint racing format - five short races planned



Early arrivals from 1600 (please email Sally to make arrangements for someone to open the gate for you)


Arrivals from 0900

Registration 0930-1100

RS200/RS400 Race Brieifing 1100

1st Warning Signal 1155, 5 short races back-to-back


Option for RS400s and RS500s to stay and train - see separate event here

RS200s welcome to stay and free sail / club race / peer train too.

Race Documentation


RSCA std SIs


Under 18 consent form


Entry fee is £25

BCYC boats £10 (please enter as normal, but onlky pay £10

Entry on the day will be available at £10 extra

Entry is via this website for Sat racing, enter the training separately,  see above.. Online entry will close at midnight on Wednesday 26th March.


Volunteers will be serving breakfast rolls on arrival and soup and rolls after sailing.

Please note that other than this, there is curently no catering service at the club, self-serve hot drinks and a microwave are available


Refund policy:
If you cancel your entry before the early entry deadline we will refund all fees, minus a £15 admin fee. If you cancel after the early entry deadline, but before online entry closes our standard policy is to return 50% of fees. Where an event entry limit has been reached a refund will only be issued if another boat from the waiting list takes your place. If you cancel after entry closes we will not usually issue a refund.
Please note that where entry is paid directly to the club and for club hosted events a different policy may apply - please contact the club for details.