RS200/RS400 Women's Weekend, in conjunction with RS Aero Women's Championship
Lymington Town Sailing Club, 6/7 July
*** CANCELLED - Unfortunately we do not have enough entries to amke this event viable***
The RS Class Association are keen to encourage and help develop our female sailors, and in particular encourage more women to helm. We are proud to have have a good representation of female sailors at all levels across our fleets and want to do all we can to further this.
The weekend is open to all female sailors (helmed/crewed by sailors of any gender), whether experienced or new to the boat, this welcoming weekend will help you build your skills and confidence, share experiences and encourage friendships and fun with fellow female sailors.
Investment from the Class Association means that we have been able to secure top quality coaches, and deliver small group coaching.
We are delighted that Will Taylor will be the coach for this weekend.
Those arriving early are invited to join the LTSC quiz, 6.45 arrival for supper and 7.30pm quiz start. T
No need to book.
Saturday is planned as a sociable training day, sharing knowledge and enthusiasm.
Coaching by Will Taylor
10:30 Rigged, but not changed, to look at boat set up and tuning
12:00 Launch for on the water coaching
16:30-17:00 Finish and debrief
Team Supper Evening with the coaches at the club. Please book this with your entry.
Coached racing, with a series of short races, potentially joining in with club racing
10:00 Briefing, rigged
10:45 Launch
15:30-16:00 Finish
Entry is open to all female sailors, with crew/helm of any gender.
Entry Fee £80/boat for entries received by 22nd June, additional £20 late entry fee for entries receved after this date. Online entry will close on 3rd July.
At least one sailor per boat must be a member of the RS Class Association. One-event membership is available with entry.
Entry is now open via this website. Please enter early to help us plan resources.
Boat Transport
The RS Aeros may be arranging boat transport from Hayling Island. if you are interested in this option, please contact trhe RS Aero Manager, Peter Barton