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5 October - 6 October 2024 - Grafham Water SC

Inland Championships 2024

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A firm fixture on the RS200 and RS400 calendar, this year to be joined by the RS500s.  Two great days of fleet racing with a club Saturday night meal. 


RS200 Rooster Championship Tour event number seven out of seven, three to count, grand end of tour Rooster prize giving.  RS400 Rooster National Tour event number seven out of eight, four to count.  RS500 Rooster National Tour event number six out of seven, three to count



NOR here

SIs here

SSIs: RS200 here, RS400 and RS500 here

Entry fee £65.  GWSC members please enter online and pay online as normal.  Reclaim the £45 GWSC race management element of the entry fee from the GWSC office after the event.

Helm and crew need to be members of the RS Class Association in order to be eligible to race at this event.  Entrants of the 2024 Endeavour Trophy are given special exemption and do not need to be members of the RS Class Association in order to race an RS200 at this event.

Online entry closes 2359hrs Wed 2 Oct.  Payment made after this date will be subject to a £10 late fee.  Entry on paper will be available at registration but will be subject to the same £10 late fee.

Registration Sat 0900-1030hrs in the ground floor cafe.

Race briefing Sat 1030hrs outside the ground floor cafe.

1st warning signal Sat 1155hrs and and Sun 1025hrs.

Race schedule: 3 races back to back, 2 days.

Two race tracks tbc 


Food and Drink

Lisa and her team at Viking Catering will be open all weekend from 0800hrs Sat and Sun.

Sat evening meal two courses £17 at 1830hrs.  Please text Lisa your order on 07738 401190.  You will pay on the day on site.

Main course: home-made lasagne with chips and salad, OR vegetable lasagne with chips and salad, OR green Thai chicken curry and rice

Pudding: chocolate lumpy bumpy or a cheesecake 

Please do support the club by booking your meal in advance.  Twenty bookings are required to make the dinnner viable.


Campers and camper vans are welcome.  Pre-booking is essential. £15 per night for campervans.  £10 per night for tents.  Caravans are not permitted.  You are not allowed to sleep in your car unless you have booked yourself in as a campervan.  The lease does not permit sleeping in cars but does in campervans.  Book online here  

GWSC has some suggestions for accommodation here

Photographic Consent

Please note that by entering this event you are agreeing to GWSC's photographic consent:

I agree to the use of my image on the following basis:

The Club may arrange for photographs or videos to be taken at the Event and published on the Club website or social media channels to promote the Event or the Club. Your consent is required if we wish to publish photographs which allow your identification, either directly or indirectly. Please be aware that if you later decide to withdraw your consent to the use of photos it will not be possible to remove your image from any printed material in circulation, or until the next edition or print of the item containing your image is released.  By agreeing to your images being used, you grant to the organisers without payment the right to make, use and show any motion pictures, still pictures and live, taped or filmed television of or relating to the event.

Check, Clean, Dry

Please note that by entering this event you are agreeing to comply with Check, Clean, Dry here


I look forward to hosting you to a smashing Inlands!

Any questions please ask me on



PS Great header photo of 2023 Inlands thanks to Paul Sanwell OPP

Refund policy:
If you cancel your entry before the early entry deadline we will refund all fees, minus a £15 admin fee. If you cancel after the early entry deadline, but before online entry closes our standard policy is to return 50% of fees. Where an event entry limit has been reached a refund will only be issued if another boat from the waiting list takes your place. If you cancel after entry closes we will not usually issue a refund.
Please note that where entry is paid directly to the club and for club hosted events a different policy may apply - please contact the club for details.