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26 June - 27 June 2021 - Royal Torbay YC

Salcombe Gin RS Summer Regatta 2021

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Competitor Joining Instructions

The flagship multiclass RS Class Association event of 2021

In the fantastic sailing waters of Torbay, this event promises to deliver the efficient, fun, competitive racing that we all enjoy so much and have missed for so long. 


The Racing


All fleets will race for 2 days, Sat 26th and Sun 27th June.
RS500s who wish to may launch for informal practice on Friday 25th June.
Arival & Check In:  11:00-19:30 Fri 25th June and 08:00-10300 Sat 26th June
Briefing: Online, details to be sent with Joining instructions
Racing: 3 races per day are plannd, 1st start Sat 12.00, Sun 11.00
The Notice of Race published on the RTYC Event Page has full details.

Salcombe Gin RS Summer Regatta Party

A celebratory dinner and party on Saturday 26th June, with a 3 course dinner, dancing to Jake Peach's Bespoke Disco, wine and of course Salcombe Gin. Tickets will go on sale via the RTYC website here at 7am on 19th May - capacity is limited to 160. Tables seat 10, so get together with your friends and state who you'd like to sit with when you book, or take pot luck.


The entry fee is £50 for single handers and £65 for double handers for boats entered by 25th May 2021.  There will be a £20 late fee for boats entered after that date.
No entries will be accepted at the event.
To enter this event, all sailors must be members of the RS Class Association, apart from crews whose helms have taken out the 'any crew' extension to their membership.  Join/renew here
Entry is now sold out - but please email if you would like to be on the waiting list in case someone drops out.

Overall and individual fleet numbers are limited due to the room on the pier (more so if extra distancing is required between boats). 

Further Information
RTYC event website, with event documents, and useful information incluing getting to RTYC, car parking, weather and tides, local services, club information and accommodation suggestions.
Of course, we don't know yet what restrictions will be in place, so we can't at this stage confirm the precise arrangements and would advise booking accomodation (with a no cost cancellation policy) close to the club in case the club changing faciltiies are not in use, or looking on the bright side, so that you can easily walk home after the fantastic RS Summer Regatta party! 
Roll on June!
Refund policy:
If you cancel your entry before the early entry deadline we will refund all fees, minus a £15 admin fee. If you cancel after the early entry deadline, but before online entry closes our standard policy is to return 50% of fees. Where an event entry limit has been reached a refund will only be issued if another boat from the waiting list takes your place. If you cancel after entry closes we will not usually issue a refund.
Please note that where entry is paid directly to the club and for club hosted events a different policy may apply - please contact the club for details.