Adding value for ALL RS sailors
- Sets the rules to give great one-design and handicap racing - enhancing resale values
- Organises websites, race reports, news, social media - keeping you informed
- Organises racing events with fantastic social scene - improving your Class’s popularity and value
- Organises training events - helping you get the most from your boat
- Liaises with the builder, RS Sailing - ensuring the quality and specification are what owners want
- Negotiates excellent discounts from the RS Sailing Store, including sail discounts, and many other companies
- Encourages new people to get involved - giving a better experience for everyone
Who is your Class Association?
- It is run by volunteer sailors with back-up by part time professional administrators
- The sailors make the plans and decisions - without having to do all the leg work
Please show support by joining your Class Association
- The cost is tiny compared to your benefits, working out at just £3.75 per month for Full Membership, £3 per month for Club Membership or £2.08 per month for Youth Membership
- By taking out International Class Association membership for one class, you will have reciprocal membership to the RS100, RS200, RS300, RS400, RS600, RS700, RS800, RS Vareo International and International RS500 Class Associations
- One event membership is available for all events except National and major championships, for use by those borrowing a boat, intending to only sail in one RS Class Association event etc. Click here.
Join Online
The Sailing Chandlery RS200 Northern Tour needs you!
The Sailing Chandlery RS200 Northern Tour has been a fantastic success for many years, with racing events and training sessions encouraging and supporting new sailors, youth sailors and and club sailors as well as offering top level racing at the best venues across the North, from grass roots clubs to championship venues.
The 2025 programme is almost complete, with many familiar RS200 favourite clubs, plus a new venue or two on the tour - the full list of dates will be announced soon.
So why do we need YOU?
The tour is organsed by a volunteer Northern Tour Rep, for the last 2 years Ben Teague has done a fantastic job for us, taking over from Olivia Leonard and before that Ollie Groves and Esther Parkhurst. Ben is stepping down this year - literally; he's moving to the South Coast, so unless you'd like all your events south of Watford in 2026, we need a new rep!
What does it involve?
With the 2025 dates already in place, the role through the season is to
- Liaise with a named contact at the host club ahead of each event to agree the race format and get the NoR so that Sally can add all the details to the website - we have standard templates, so it's pretty easy
- Do some social media promo for each event - simple posts are fine
- Make sure the Sailing Chandlery prizes get to each of the clubs - this could all be done at the start of the season
- Ask someone at each event to write a short report (this can be a simple rule such as 3rd place is report writer) and send the report, results link and a handful of photos to Sally for the website and Y&Y. Ypu donb't need to go to eevry event - you can ask someone at the home club or another sailor to cover
Happy to help?
Please contact Sally
Thanks for reading to the end, your reward, a sneak preview of the 2025 Tour Dates!